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Mama & Me Together Classes


Wednesdays 10am-11:15am

Mama & Me Together Classes
Mama & Me Together Classes
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€125 for a 5-week term 

Term Dates:

5th June - 10am-11:15am

12th June - 10am-11:15am

19th June - 10am-11:15am

26th June- 10am-11:15am

3rd July - 10am-11:15am


Next Term Begins on the 10th July:

10th July - 10am - 11:15am

17th July - 10am - 11:15am

24th July - 10am - 11:15am

31st July - 10am - 11:15am

7th August - 10am - 11:15am


Being a Mum is the most rewarding job in the world, but it can also be the most challenging. In the early days everything is new and unknown, for you and baby. Even if you have other children, this is your first time to be with this baby, learning to understand and connect with each other. To nurture this connection, we have designed our Mama & Me Together class, teaching massage, reflexology and movement routines, that not only promote the health & well-being of your little one, but also encourage a long-lasting bond between you and your baby. 

Each week we sing, we rhyme, we laugh, and sometimes we cry, all the while connecting with our breath, our bodies, our babies – learning to relax and have fun together.

During the classes you will learn and practice specific routines for your little one that can improve relaxation and sleep; ease digestion; relieve symptoms of wind, colic, and constipation; support baby’s growth and development; improve circulation; boost baby’s immune system, and much more…

After we have finished class, each week we encourage the group to exchange ideas and experiences over tea/coffee & homemade treats, giving you the chance to chat with other parents/caregivers in a relaxed and supported environment


How old should my baby be to attend classes?

To ensure that you and your little one get the most out of your time together with us, we recommend attending classes once they are 6 weeks old and before they are actively crawling. 

What do I need to bring to class?

Whatever you usually have in your baby bag, plus a blanket for baby. A sleep suit is perfect for them to wear as it is easily accessible. For yourself, a bottle of water and wear comfortable clothing as the class is floor based. We will provide a bottle of organic, cold-pressed massage oil on your first week for the massage/reflexology part of the class.

What if my baby cries during class?

All babies cry and this is how they communicate! We speak a lot in class about watching for our babies cues, which means tending to their needs when they arise. Not only does that mean that crying is welcomed and accepted, but so to is feeding (whether breast or bottle), changing their nappy, walking around, or having them fall asleep, all mid class. We are proud that our classes are baby led!

About your practitioner:

Valerie is a member of the National Register of Reflexologist, Ireland (NRRI) with specialist training for fertility, maternity, & paediatrics. The birth of Valerie’s first two children in 2009 & 2010 inspired her to begin her training journey in the pregnancy & postpartum world. Now a mum of 4, as well as reflexology, Valerie teaches pregnancy yoga, fertility yoga, hypnobirthing and baby connection classes. 

Valerie firmly believes in the power of connection, both to our own intuition in the present moment and to our babies during those critical early days, weeks and months of motherhood. She realises that having the right support and knowledge can make all the difference to the journey you have to parenthood, and beyond. That is why the emphasis in all of Valeries classes, workshops and treatments is to empower women to trust in their bodies, their babies and their instincts. She wants women to ask questions of their caregivers, make evidence based & informed decisions about what is right for them and to believe in themselves. 

Valerie is a member of the National Register of Reflexologists, Ireland (NRRI); a KGH Hypnobirthing accredited teacher; holds qualifications through Yoga Alliance for RYT200, Pre & Postnatal Yoga Instruction, Birthlight & the International Association of Infant Massage Instructors. As such her treatment and classes may be eligible for reimbursement. We will provide the client with a receipt for claimback.